
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ban Ban Ban

Wind of change is now a new brand. When there is change in respect of one particular product the most sophiticated jargon that we use is rebranding of the product. More often that not the rebranding will attract attention of people. A lot people will be interested to see and observe the change, while the other will not be bother to take interest in it. It is either they have no time or their voice are no where to be heard. My question is can we actually ignore the minority group in the society? Obviously the answer is negative, we all know.

However, recent development we can see that a lot of people are talking about the ban, ban, ban on sale of alcohol drink in certain area when it is dominated by Muslim. I would like to stress here that I am in no way against any religion. All religion are good noble teaching of the decipher. It teaches good values, noble values and conduct of human nature. I particularly would like to voice my dissatisfaction over such proposal to ban sale of alcoholic drinks of such manner. Are neglecting the wish of minority in the area? Isn't all citizen are to enjoy all rights equally? Isn't all infrastructure has to be enjoyed by all walk of life equally? If this so why are we banning sale on certain product at certain place where one group of people may not need while the other may require its presence? Let demand and supply dictate the market. That is what we call FREEDOM .


tbchua said...

Can you ban internet applications?

Can you ban somebody from visiting the porno sites?

What you can do is to educate somebody to distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

You just can't simply stop somebody by banning something.

If the so-called somebody can't resist the tempatation.....then he has a big problem, it is a personal failure and a failure on the part of the religion,i mean sometimes.

Full stop.

阿土伯 said...


北干阿助 said...


侯振德律师 said...

tbchua,阿土伯,北干阿助and everybody, this I believe is what we call democracy. We talk about human rights. Of course religion is an entity to be respected. My point is that it more important to protect the minority rights who are aalso human. As to the majority education should be the answer.

Thank you.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
