
Friday, April 25, 2008

Penang Government Under Fire

针对25-4-2008 N36篇 STAR,我认为槟州政府有必要向人民明确的交代清楚到底他们的政策是如何的?我们在8-3-200前听到的和之后的有了很大的不同。之前我们不时听到的是他们讲如果执政必还第三政府人民。必会实行地方议会选举。到了现在他们就是没有集体的行动来证明他们的诚意。


Thursday, April 24, 2008

宋谷(Songkok use defended)

Well, a STAR report on 24th April 2008 interalia states that "Much attention was on whether I would wear the Songkong (heargear) and the ceremonial robe after taking the oath of office. Well, I did. I have already explained why we have to change our position before the swearing in of the State Exco members last month. It should not be an issue any more." a quote from the honourable Selangor State Assembly Speaker. It is to my surprise that he has had a 360 degree changes on the issue. It is a matter of principle that one shall hold the same no matter which side you are in. When you are at the opposition you claimed that it is not part of our culture, are you saying that just because you are in the coalition government now, it is now become part of our culture?

As a matter of principle, one shall carry the same voice in one same matter no matter where you are. By you swicthing from one stand to another seems to suggest that you are changing it to suit the action due to poltical environment. Oppose when you are in the opposition and sokong when you are in the government. What is the stand and principle now? We have always say that this country is a multiracial country and as a multiracial country we shall respect each other and to keep the sentive issue away from us especially as a leader of the community does not matter whether you are from the rulling side or the opposition side. We have always say that before you demand for respect from other people you shaould respect other. Isn't it the same that before you want other people to respect your culture we must show our respect to other's first. Wearing of songkok in an official ceremonial especially when such being the culture of the host is a sign of respect to the host. Much said about it being the principle and stand held by YB Teng, it is delighted and happy moment that YB has finally realised this.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


这两个星期来我们礼让区及巴莪区可是非常热闹。这个热闹可不是好事!同样面对坍塌事件。大家都把这种事情当城是天灾。是无法避过的(英文我们称为Act of God)。而我们的政府通常都是拨出一笔可观的款项然后建筑好了了事。大家都乐了。但我个人总是认为事情不应该是这麽样就当作是完满解决的了。


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

PAS : Islamic State Agenda Is Still On

I have read a newspaper report on 22th April 2008 stated that PAS has once again reiterated that the PAS agenda of Islamic State is still on and they have not pull out the idea of the Islamic State. What has ahppened now? Only few weeks ago we have read that the Pakatan Rakyat was formed and they talk about welfare state. Only at that moment we thought that the country is going into a new era of which all human will be treated fairly freely and equally, no issue of religion will be brought in the administration of the government. You will be free to religion, will be free to have equal apportunity in economics share, etc-etc irrespective of your race and culture. Now, merely about slightly more than one month PAS has come back with the old story. I was surprise by what was said by the PAS MP for Kuala Selangor Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad "the party do not harp on the issue of Islamic State because it was not part of the Pakatan Rakyat agenda". We must look closely to the intention of PAS. We shall not let them have the opportunity to return with the Islamic State Agenda.

Monday, April 21, 2008

One Ringgit Malaysia Quit Rent For Chinese School

Hi Friends,

When I read the article about chinese school in certain state in pennisular malaysia enjoy a one Ringgit Malaysia quit rent I am confused. As I know being a Johorean, I have been reading about the chinese school enjoying this previlege for many years. It is only nw that scholl from the other states are begining to enjoy such previlege. Much said and praised about the previlege when it was recently announced but when it was being enjoyed no body seemed to care much about it. We can also see that the MB of Johor for the past few years have with no discrimination provided a yearly allocation to the chinese independant school but no mentioned was made about it by the people at large. This infact can be seen a the government recognition towards the chinese independant school. The MB has for the past few years without fail allocated the allocation in hard cash channel directly into the account of the school. It is not done for the mere purpose of the general election(GE). It is having the interest of the community at heart and not GE.

I hope equal recognition is given to the government of Johor for the continuous support to chinese education. Thank you MB Johor.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


我的意见是回应: 不愿透露是否曾与冠英讨论 卡立支持邓章钦任雪州议长





■日期/Apr 08, 2008
■时间/11:19:44 am
